Friday, June 25, 2010

Thing #2

As I was reading Web2.o, several things were going through my mind. The great thing about technology is the instant feedback. If a teacher has a blog or wiki, the students can ask questions when the problem occurs instead of waiting for class the next day. I think class blogs are great and very useful. Students can instantly learn from one another. They see other people's ideas. They collaborate. They take responsibility for their own learning! If teachers read another teacher's blog, I think more collaboration between subjects would occur. They would not have to schedule a time to meet or discuss what the other one was doing in class. We all know that there are certain times of the year, that scheduling a meeting time that is good for everyone is near to impossible. I think that we should make sure that our students have skills for the 21st century, but we must also make sure they use those skills for positive things.

When you use technology, everyone is constantly learning. As teachers, we must make sure that the sites and uses of technology benefit our students and that they are educationally accurate. We must make sure the students know the difference between what is fact and what is opinion.

1 comment:

  1. That instant feedback is so important -- one of the things we can do to improve student success immediately! Isn't is amazing how technology can really help us as teachers to save time?! Collaboration is also the key -- you are right! Great thoughts ... Amanda =)
